Physics Laboratory experiment, Leimbach G, 2005 Germany. FREE DOWNLOAD





1.4.04-00 Viscosity measurements with the falling ball viscometer
1.4.05-00 Surface tension by the ring method (Du Nouy method)
1.4-06-11 Surface tension by the pull-out method with Cobra3
1.4.07-00 Barometric height formula
1.4.08-00 Lift and drag (resistance to flow)
1.5 Mechanical Vibration, Acoustics
1.5.01-00 Vibration of strings
1.5.03-11 Velocity of sound in air with Cobra3
1.5.04-01/11 Acoustic Doppler effect
1.5.05-15 Chladni figures with FG-Module
1.5.06-01/15 Velocity of sound using Kundt’s tube
1.5.07-01/15 Wavelengths and frequencies with a Quincke tube
1.5.08-11 Resonance frequencies of Helmholtz resonators
with Cobra3
1.5.09-11 Interference of acoustic waves, stationary waves
and diffraction at a slot with Cobra3
1.5.10-00 Optical determination of velocity of sound in liquids
1.5.11-00 Phase and group velocity of ultrasonics in liquids
1.5.12-00 Temperature dependence of the Velocity of sound in liquids
1.5.13-00 Stationary ultrasonic waves, determination of wavelength
1.5.14-00 Absorption of ultrasonic in air
1.5.15-15 Ultrasonic diffraction at different single
and double slit systems
1.5.16-15 Ultrasonic diffraction at different multiple slit systems
1.5.17-15 Diffraction of ultrasonic waves at a pin hole
and a circular obstacle
1.5.18-00 Diffraction of ultrasound at a Fresnel zone plate /
Fresnel’s zone construction
1.5.19-15 Interference of two identical ultrasonic transmitters
1.5.20-00 Interference of ultrasonic waves by a Lloyd mirror
1.5.21-11 Determination of the velocity of sound (sonar principle)
1.5.22-00 Ultrasonic Michelson-Interferometer
1.5.23-00 Ultrasonic diffraction by a straight edge
1.5.24-15 Ultrasonic Doppler effect
1.6 Handbooks
Physics Experiments – Linear Motion
Physics Demonstration Experiments –
Magnet Board Mechanics 1
Magnet Board Mechanics 2
2.1 Geometrical Optics
2.1.01-00 Measuring the velocity of light
2.1.02-00 Laws of lenses and optical instruments
2.1.03-00 Dispersion and resolving power of the prism
and grating spectroscope
2.2 Interference
2.2.01-00 Interference of light
2.2.02-00 Newton’s rings
2.2.03-00 Interference at a mica plate according to Pohl
2.2.04-00 Fresnel’s zone construction / zone plate
2.2.05-00 Michelson interferometer
2.2.06-00 Coherence and width of spectral lines with Michelson
2.2.07-00 Refraction index of air and CO2 with Michelson interferometer
1.1 Measurement Techniques
1.1.01-00 Measurement of basic constants: length, weight and time
1.2 Statics
1.2.01-00 Moments
1.2.02-00 Modulus of elasticity
1.2.03-00 Mechanical hysteresis
1.3 Dynamics
1.3.01-01 Hooke’s law
1.3.01-11 Hooke’s law with Cobra3
1.3.03-01/05 Newton’s second law / Air track or Demonstration track
1.3.03-11/15 Newton’s second law with Cobra3 /
Air track or Demonstration track
1.3.05-01/05 Laws of collision / Air track or Demonstration track
1.3.05-11/15 Laws of collision with Cobra3 /
Air track or Demonstration track
1.3.07-01 Free fall
1.3.07-11 Free fall with Cobra3
1.3.09-01 Determination of the gravitational constant
with a Cavendish balance
1.3.11-00 Projectile motion
1.3.12-00 Ballistic Pendulum
1.3.13-01 Moment of inertia and angular acceleration
1.3.13-11 Moment of inertia and angular acceleration
with Cobra3
1.3.15-00 Moment and angular momentum
1.3.16-01 Centrifugal force
1.3.16-11 Centrifugal force with Cobra3
1.3.18-00 Mechanical conservation of energy / Maxwell’s wheel
1.3.19-00 Laws of gyroscopes / 3-axis gyroscope
1.3.20-00 Laws of gyroscopes / cardanic gyroscope
1.3.21-00 Mathematical pendulum
1.3.22-00 Reversible pendulum
1.3.23-01 Pendulum oscillations / variable g pendulum
1.3.23-11 Pendulum oscillations with Cobra3
1.3.25-01 Coupled Pendula
1.3.25-11 Coupled Pendula with Cobra3
1.3.26-11 Harmonic oscillations of spiral springs –
Springs linked in parallel and series
1.3.27-01 Forced Oscillations – Pohl’s pendulum
1.3.27-11 Forced Oscillations – Pohl’s pendulum;
Determination of resonance frequencies by Fourier analysis
1.3.28-01 Moments of inertia / Steiner’s theorem
1.3.28-11 Moments of inertia of different bodies /
Steiner’s theorem with Cobra3
1.3.30-00 Torsional vibrations and torsion modulus
1.3.31-00 Moment of inertia and torsional vibrations
1.3.32-00 The propagation of a periodically excited continuous
transverse wave
1.3.33-00 Phase velocity of rope waves
1.3.34-00 Wave phenomena in a ripple tank
1.3.35-00 Interference and diffraction of water waves with the ripple tank
1.4 Mechanics of Liquids and Gaseous Bodies
1.4.01-00 Density of liquids
1.4.02-00 Surface of rotating liquids
1.4.03-00 Viscosity of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids
(rotary viscometer)

2.3 Diffraction
2.3.01-00 Diffraction at a slit and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
2.3.02-00 Diffraction of light at a slit and an edge
2.3.03-00 Intensity of diffractions due to pin hole diaphragms
and circular obstacles
2.3.04-00 Diffraction intensity for multiple slits and grids
2.3.05-00 Determination of the diffraction intensity at slit
and double slit systems
2.3.06-00 Diffraction intensity through a slit and a wire –
Babinet’s theorem
2.4 Photometry
2.4.02-01 Photometric law of distance
2.4.02-11 Photometric law of distance with Cobra3
2.4.04-00 Lambert’s law
2.5 Polarisation
2.5.01-00 Polarisation by quarterwave plates
2.5.02-00 Polarimetry
2.5.03-00 Fresnel’s equations – theory of reflection
2.5.04-00 Malus’ law
2.6 Applied Optics
2.6.01-00 Faraday effect
2.6.02-00 Kerr effect
2.6.03-00 Recording and reconstruction of holograms
2.6.04-00 CO2-laser
2.6.05-11 LDA – Laser Doppler Anemometry with Cobra3
2.6.07-01 Helium Neon Laser
2.6.08-00 Optical pumping
2.6.09-00 Nd-YAG laser
2.6.10-00 Fibre optics
2.6.11-00 Fourier optics – 2f Arrangement
2.6.12-00 Fourier optics – 4f Arrangement – Filtering and reconstruction
2.7 Handbooks
Advanced Optics and Laser Physics – Handbook 1–3
Physics Demonstration Experiments – Magnet Board Optics
3.1 Thermal Expansion
3.1.01-00 Thermal expansion in solids and liquids
3.2 Ideal and Real Gases
3.2.01-01 Equation of state of ideal gases
3.2.01-15 Equation of state of ideal gases with Cobra3
3.2.02-01 Heat capacity of gases
3.2.02-11 Heat capacity of gases with Cobra3
3.2.03-00 Maxwellian velocity distribution
3.2.04-00 Thermal equation of state and critical point
3.2.05-00 Adiabatic coefficient of gases – Flammersfeld oscillator
3.2.06-00 Joule-Thomson effect
3.3 Calorimetry, Friction Heat
3.3.01-01 Heat capacity of metals
3.3.01-11 Heat capacity of metals with Cobra3
3.3.02-00 Mechanical equivalent of heat
3.4 Phase Transitions
3.4.01-00 Vapour pressure of water at high temperature
3.4.02-00 Vapour pressure of water below 100°C /
Molar heat of vaporization
3.4.03-00 Boiling point elevation
3.4.04-00 Freezing point depression
3.5 Transport and Diffusion
3.5.01-01/15 Stefan-Boltzmann’s law of radiation
3.5.02-00 Thermal and electrical conductivity of metals
3.6 Applied Thermodynamics
3.6.01-00 Solar ray Collector
3.6.02-00 Heat pump
3.6.03-00 Heat insulation / Heat conduction
3.6.04-01/15 Stirling engine
3.7 Handbooks
Glas jacket system
Demonstration Experiments Physics – Magnetic Board Heat
4.1 Stationary Currents
4.1.01-01 Measurement of small resistance
4.1.01-15 Ohm’s Law with FG-Module
4.1.02-00 Wheatstone Bridge
4.1.03-00 Internal resistance and matching in voltage source
4.1.04-01/15 Temperature dependence of different resistors
and diodes
4.1.06-01/15 Current balance/
Force acting on a current-carrying conductor
4.1.07-00 Semiconductor thermogenerator
4.1.08-00 Peltier heat pump
4.1.09-01 Characteristic curves of a solar cell
4.1.09-15 Characteristic curves of semiconductors with FG-Module
4.1.11-00 Characteristic and efficiency of PEM fuel cell
and PEM electrolyser
4.1.12-00 Faraday’s law
4.1.13-15 Second order conductors. Electrolysis with FG-Module
4.2 Electric Field
4.2.01-00 Electrical fields and potentials in the plate capacitor
4.2.02-00 Charging curve of a capacitor
4.2.02-15 Switch-on behaviour of a capacitor and an inductivity
with FG-Module
4.2.03-00 Capacitance of metal spheres and of a spherical capacitor
4.2.04-01 Coulomb’s law / Image charge
4.2.04-15 Coulomb’s law with Cobra3
4.2.05-00 Coulomb potential and Coulomb field of metal spheres
4.2.06-00 Dielectric constant of different materials
4.3 Magnetic Field
4.3.01-00 Earth’s magnetic field
4.3.02-01/15 Magnetic field of single coils / Biot-Savart’s law
4.3.03-01/15 Magnetic field of paired coils in Helmholtz arrangement
4.3.04-00 Magnetic moment in the magnetic field

4.3.05-00 Magnetic field outside a straight conductor
4.3.06-00 Magnetic field inside a conductor
4.3.07-11 Ferromagnetic hysteresis
4.3.08-00 Magnetostriction with the Michelson interferometer
4.4 Electrodynamics
4.4.01-00 Transformer
4.4.02-01/15 Magnetic induction
4.4.03-01/11 Inductance of solenoids
4.4.04-01/11 Coil in the AC circuit with Cobra3
4.4.05-01/15 Capacitor in the AC circuit
4.4.06-01/11 RLC Circuit with Cobra3
4.4.07-00 Rectifier circuits
4.4.08-00 RC Filters
4.4.09-01/15 High-pass and low-pass filters
4.4.10-00 RLC measuring bridge
4.4.11-00 Resistance, phase shift and power in AC circuits
4.4.12-11 Induction impulse
4.5 Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves
4.5.02-00 Coupled oscillating circuits
4.5.04-00 Interference of microwaves
4.5.05-00 Diffraction of microwaves
4.5.06-00 Diffraction and polarization of microwaves
4.5.08-00 Radiation field of a horn antenna / Microwaves
4.5.09-00 Frustrated total reflection / Microwaves
4.6 Handbooks
Demonstration Experiments Physics –
Electricity/Electronics on the Magnetic Board 1 + 2
Physical Structure of Matter
5.1 Physics of the Electron
5.1.01-00 Elementary charge and Millikan experiment
5.1.02-00 Specific charge of the electron – e/m
5.1.03-11 Franck-Hertz experiment with Hg-tube
5.1.03-15 Franck-Hertz experiment with Ne-tube
5.1.04-01/05 Planck’s “quantum of action” from photoelectric effect
(line separation by interference filters)
5.1.05-01/05 Planck’s “quantum of action” from the photoelectric effect
(line separation by defraction grating)
5.1.06-00 Fine structure, one-electron and two-electron spectra
5.1.07-00 Balmer series / Determination of Rydberg’s constant
5.1.08-00 Atomic spectra of two-electron systems: He, Hg
5.1.10-05 Zeeman effect
5.1.11-01/11 Stern-Gerlach experiment
5.1.12-00 Electron spin resonance
5.1.13-00 Electron diffraction
5.2 Radioactivity
5.2.01-01 Half-life and radioactive equilibrium
5.2.01-11 Half-life and radioactive equilibrium with Cobra3
5.2.03-11 Poisson’s distribution and Gaussian distribution
of radioactive decay with Cobra3 –
Influence of the dead time of the counter tube
5.2.04-00 Visualisation of radioactive particles / Diffusion cloud chamber
5.2.20-15 Alpha-Energies of different sources with MCA
5.2.21-01/11/15 Rutherford experiment
5.2.22-01/11/15 Fine structure of the -spectrum of 241Am
5.2.23-01/11/15 Study of the -energies of 226Ra
5.2.24-01/11/15 Energy loss of -particles in gases
5.2.31-00 Electron absorption
5.2.32-00 -spectroscopy
5.2.41-01/11 Law of distance and absorption of gamma
or beta rays
5.2.42-01/11/15 Energy dependence of the -absorption coefficient
5.2.44-01/11/15 Compton effect
5.4.45-01/11/15 Internal conversion in 137mBa
5.2.46-01/11/15 Photonuclear cross-section /
Compton scattering cross-section
5.2.47-01/11/15 X-ray fluorescence and Moseley’s law
5.3 Solid-state Physics, Plasma Physics
5.3.01-01 Hall effect in p-germanium
5.3.01-11 Hall effect in p-germanium with Cobra3
5.3.02-01/11 Hall effect in n-germanium
5.3.03-00 Hall effect in metals
5.3.04-01 Band gap of germanium
5.3.04-11 Band gap of germanium with Cobra3
5.3.10-00 Surface treatment / Plasma Physics
5.3.11-00 Paschen curve / Plasma Physics
5.4 X-ray Physics
5.4.01-00 Characteristic X-rays of copper
5.4.02-00 Characteristic X-rays of molybdenum
5.4.03-00 Characteristic X-rays of iron
5.4.04-00 The intensity of characteristic X-rays as a function of anode
current and anode voltage
5.4.05-00 Monochromatization of molybdenum X-rays
5.4.06-00 Monochromatization of copper X-rays
5.4.07-00 K
 doublet splitting of molybdenum X-rays / fine structure
5.4.08-00 K
 doublet splitting of iron X-rays / fine structure
5.4.09-00 Duane-Hunt displacement law and Planck's “quantum of action”
5.4.10-00 Characteristic X-ray lines of different anode materials /
Moseley's Law; Rydberg frequency and screening constant
5.4.11-00 Absorption of X-rays
5.4.12-00 K- and L-absorption edges of X-rays /
Moseley's Law and the Rydberg constant
5.4.13-00 Examination of the structure of NaCl monocrystals with
different orientations
5.4.14/15-00 X-ray investigation of different crystal structures /
Debye-Scherrer powder method
5.4.16-00 X-ray investigation of crystal structures / Laue method
5.4.17-00 Compton scattering of X-rays
5.4.18-00 X-ray dosimetry
5.4.19-00 Contrast medium experiment with a blood vessel model
5.4.20-00 Determination of the length and position of an object
which cannot be seen
5.4.21-00 Diffractometric Debye-Scherrer patterns of powder samples
with the three cubic Bravais lattices
5.4.22-00 Diffractometric Debye-Scherrer patterns of powder samples
with diamond structure (germanium and silicon)
5.4.23-00 Diffractometric Debye-Scherrer patterns of powder samples
with a hexagonal lattice structure
5.4.24-00 Diffractometric Debye-Scherrer patterns of powder samples
with a tetragonal lattice structure
5.4.25-00 Diffractometric Debye-Scherrer patterns of powder samples
with a cubic powder sample
5.4.26-00 Diffractometric measurements to determine the intensity of
Debye-Scherrer reflexes using a cubic lattice powder sample
5.4.27-00 Diffractometric Debye-Scherrer measurements
for the examination of the texture of rolled sheets
5.4.28-00 Characteristic X-rays of tungsten
5.4.40-00 Spectroscopy with the X-ray energy detector
5.4 Handbooks
X-Ray Experiments
Interface-System Cobra3 Physics and Chemistry/Biology

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